Brandon B.

I hope to share with you much of the knowledge I’ve gained in the 20 or so years I’ve been playing. I’m not just a “guy who plays guitar.” I’m absolutely passionate about music and guitars, and I want to be good! Hopefully with my articles and resources here, you can pick up some valuable information that will help you do the same.

Jazz Guitar Basics #5 – Getting Started With Jazz Improvisation

jazz guitar basics 5

Welcome to the final article in my jazz guitar basics series! Although we’ve only scratched the surface of jazz, we’ve covered lots of the fundamental topics that a beginning jazz guitarist must know. We’ve discussed the main jazz guitar chords that you need to know, as well as the theory behind those chords. We’ve also […]

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Jazz Guitar Basics #4 – Famous Jazz Musicians, Styles, & Eras

Jazz Guitar Basics 4

Welcome to article #4 of my jazz guitar basics series, where we will go over a list of famous jazz musicians that every jazz musician should be familiar with. This article will not be about guitarists only, because so much of the jazz background and history is centered around non-guitar players. In fact the guitar

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